Thursday, October 18, 2007

Complete Collapse of North Atlantic

Watch a funny video of overfishing in "video" section of this blog.

By 2010, there will be no more fish in the North Atlantic. Scientists claim this is because of major overfishing in the area, which will result in everyone eating only jellyfish sandwiches. The North Atlantic catches have fallen by half since 1950, and the devastating decrease of ocean organisms are still continuing at a faster rate than ever before. Fish prices have risen a sixth fold during that time because of such demand for more fish. The only way to curb the amount of fish in the North Atlantic is to decrease the amount of fishing drastically, or else all hopes will be gone. Although it will drive many people out of business, it is the only way for the fish to repopulate themselves and have a new beginning.


dw042194 said...

oh rlly. Prove it...... e-mail me when you prove it.... thank you and have a great day douches

Racheal said...

I find this very interesting and I believe that immmature people who obviously do not know correct grammer should not post rude comments. This blog has helped me very much with my pro con paper. Thank you very much.

Unknown said...

Very much interesting thing z r in it! very good site 4 an explorer!!! .......very much needy 4 an animal loving guy!!! Animals are day to day dying in different partz of the world !!
n by the way thank you 4 giving such an info 4 a kid like me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

wow. i like dis.. this is a good site u knw.. wow thanks 4 da information

vivek singh said...

even i am animal lover now i definately know the dastardly effects of being extremely inhuman by nature i mean natural forces can determine the balance of nature but please don't kill these harmless creatures for heavens sake

vivek singh said...

even i am animal lover now i definately know the dastardly effects of being extremely inhuman by nature i mean natural forces can determine the balance of nature but please don't kill these harmless creatures for heavens sake

jimmycrackedcorn said...

So the North Atlantic has been completely empty of fish for 2 years now? REALLY?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing these reasons,.it's really helpful,.
"3 Reasons Why"