Thursday, October 18, 2007

Global Warming

Global warming may drive about 1 quarter of land animals and plants to extinction by 2050. This is a remarkably devastating number of organisms. This means that about 1 million species will be gone, with an estimated of 10 million species in existence. Humans cause most of global warming whether they believe it or not. Greenhouse gases are changing the climate in the world, and melting Arctic ice at an alarming rate. Even though we drive our luxury cars that use 13 miles per gallon, we still seem to think we are not the ones causing this chaos. In fact, cars are doing most of the damage. Also, because of global warming, the temperature in different regions change, which then becomes unsuitable for the organisms that previously thrived there. That then leads to a mass extinction of species.


Unknown said...

nice nice

ÄPPLEDª∏ª§LIK∂§ÄPPLE said...

sweet check mine out some time

Unknown said...
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melissa said...

i think this is so true i have to do a report on animals going extinct and i have learned a lot by your blog thank you... and i think the humans should be more careful. like really it gets me mad to know that we are not doing anything at all for these animals and we totally do more to help:)

Unknown said...

v all should try 2 save these animals... v are al living on da same earth.. think about it my frends.... thanks

BellahMelina said...

i didn't know

ryan1111 said...

If 1/4 of the human population picked up a piece of trash that would be 1.5 billion pieces of trash that never got to pollute the environment.

save the environment

Unknown said...

why is it that no one really cares about animals?